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最新更新在: 03/07/2011 3:34 am

   Man slashed his wife to divorce his wife sister -in-law of r
[03/07/2011 3:34 am]

core Tips

because his wife wanted a divorce, the husband even chopped-in-law, which in turn frenzied wife rape his wife and sister and her sister is only 3 months old baby hostage . Love the police rushed to the scene to seize the aircraft successfully rescued the hostages and arrested the suspect on the spot justice.


thugs shouting

homicide and suicide

1 月 10 日 15 时 17 points, fraternity County Public Security Bureau Town Park command center received a view of horse camp, said villagers reported: the western end of Chen family village fighting occurred, the scene was head injuries. Command center command station and 120 ambulance to Mount Faber for disposal. 15:39,Ralph Lauren, Mount Faber police station feedback information from the scene: Park View Village, Town, Ma camp come home son Zhang Chen (male, 29 years old, Fengyang origin) because of his wife Zhao (23 years) divorce, Chen chopped their mother, now, Chen has been sent to hospital for treatment. Zhang Zhao's sister, Zhao Moumou to (25) and its 3-month-old daughter hostage threatened with a knife in the house and threatened to let his wife Zhao to negotiate, such as negotiation fails, her daughter will kill Zhao Moumou , and then committed suicide.


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site emergency investigation after police found that the scene is an independent courtyard,ralph lauren italia, the hospital doors open, Zhang after the hostage-taking hiding in the east bedroom living room, a kitchen knife in the house will be mounted on the neck of his wife, sister Zhao Moumou, threatened to let his wife Zhao into the house, if you do not go to kill the hostages. Headquarters learned that the suspect Zhang Department of outsiders married into local, usually only the capitalists of San Niang their relationship better, immediately make arrangements for people to find their San Niang,polo ralph lauren, allowed the suspect to do work, first of all inform the suspect, his mother did not danger, harm the hostages to prevent their despair. After more than an hour of hard work, the attitude of the suspect began to ease, but the chopper always on his niece's neck. Command then decided that for Zhao into the house, the mother and daughter for Zhao Moumou out. Zhao agreed that his wife suspects her daughter to Zhao Moumou swapped out. Zhao command of an emergency protection knowledge training, began to replace the hostages,polo ralph lauren sito ufficiale, assault group vigilant, ready to rescue.

suspects will be a knife to his wife, daughter, sister Zhao Moumou neck, the Zhao Moumou release, so his wife Zhao entered the bedroom naked. Zhao entered the bedroom, the suspects will be Zhao hands were tied with shoelaces. After another few minutes consultation, Zhao suspect that has control of, ideas for further easing, then agreed to Zhao Moumou daughter from the bedroom door and handed out at the break. When Zhang after the child handed the knife down, with table to block the bedroom door, police commandos to seize the aircraft, decisive Chuaimen into the room, threw himself with lightning speed to the ground is bound to its uniform.


suspects have XingJu

after trial, Zhang said the suspects had an affair while his wife and because of his divorce, he does not consent. Eight or ten days ago, he returned home from the field work, and her parents to discuss, do not want to, and his wife divorced, but her parents were in support of the couple divorced. Jan. 10 afternoon, Zhang and his wife talk again when denied, then the hospital takes an ax, chopped into the room to its mother, its mother to escape outside the house. Subsequently, Zhang took a kitchen knife from the kitchen, knife cut the head of its mother, then sister is the wife of Zhao Moumou his home and his daughter abducted to the east bedroom, and Zhao Moumou was rape, injury, abduction , until police arrested him.

present, Zhang suspects have been under criminal detention according to law.

   Changbai Mountain is once in a century circular rainbow spec
[03/07/2011 3:34 am]

China news agency, Changbaishang Mountain, October 20 - east of Changbai Mountain in Jilin Province, has recently appeared circular rainbow ,polo ralph lauren sito ufficiale, just in the local tourist visitors are fortunate to see many of the once in a century wonders . According to reports , the local records check of the same landscape , only appeared in 1908 .

According to local media reports ,Ralph Lauren, at 10:30 on October 16 Xu , Jilin Changbai Mountain Culture Research Association, Bai Yunfeng Zhang have investigated the main peak of Changbai Mountain . When Zhang Yuzhu peaks are facing when taking pictures ,ralph lauren italia, suddenly found Tianchi round rainbow appeared over the west side , then shoot again and again , went for a total of more than a hundred pictures . Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve Authority, accompanied by Deputy Director Wang Yu also a video .

circular rainbow is sunlight through the clouds of ice crystals when formed by refraction of optical phenomena . It is understood that the day when the sky appears cirrostratus , numerous ice crystals floating in the air , in the same circle around the sun on the ice ,polo ralph lauren, various colors of light can be refracted into the eyes of the formation of halo . The circular rainbow appeared in Changbai Mountain , the outer ring was blue in the infrared , middle mixed with yellow and purple , spectacular.

According to reports , in 1908 ( four-year dynasty ) , the Northeast Governor Liu Shichang send any demarcation seal member to the field of Yanbian Tacha , after its wrote: The Changbai Mountains are round the rainbow , there 's place in the western slope of Changbai Mountain , and close location described by Liu Feng , called an incredible miracle. (End )

   Shares the name with the death of chairman -in-law reform
[01/07/2011 8:53 pm]

number of users on the Chinese version of few friends a message, I hope the relevant authorities thoroughly investigate the case, publish the truth. AP


how the dead became a natural person shareholders

signed by development business based,abercrombie and fitch, before the restructuring of the three real estate development projects with great success, but also low price for two to reserve land as an enterprise. Just when the good momentum of development of enterprises, the welfare properties are in the year 2004, state-owned assets up for the original price of 500 million capital transfer payments, a real estate development companies in Wuhan. Followed by enterprises to increase their investment,abercrombie milano sito ufficiale, the former chairman of the board, the legal representative of vibration invested 600,000 yuan Qi name after the reform of welfare to become a shareholder of the property,abercrombie milano, name of Zhen Qi's mother had died many years Zhou money property of the individual shareholders blessing.

Tan Hongxia said at the time that has long been famous among Qi died of natural persons-in-law turned out to be one of the shareholders,Abercrombie, much surprised,abercrombie sito ufficiale, rushed to the Commerce and Industry Bureau check, make her more accidents happened. Zhou Ming Jin has died not only to She said:

even more strange is that since 2004 has served as Zhen Qi name has been transformed into private enterprises in the welfare properties of the Chairman and legal representative, the then 67-year-old has been the person still remains in the nature of state-owned assets as the company's head of social welfare, virtually no change over the years even without any regulatory authorities to intervene.

why in the name of death-in-law shares

Hubei Province, the SASAC, said the letter reflected the network to report the problem is the problem before and after 2004, when the community in good fortune and blessing under the property management company belongs to the China Charity Federation. The enterprises in Hubei Province in 2007 was placed under the supervision of the SASAC, the subsidiary property companies have been restructuring. At present only through the understanding of the original welfare reform situation, the SAC is not informed on this.


framed by prison informers why

Tan Hongxia Fu in the property to the injection of the welfare state-owned enterprises in the Industrial Corporation work, as early as 2005, Tan Hongxia has already begun to business departments,abercrombie & fitch prezzi, prosecutors reported in the existing welfare reform law of property violations. Later, she and his father, three brothers were Huangshi Port of Huangshi City District Procuratorate on suspicion of embezzlement arrest, his father died during the trial. June 2010, Huangshi Port District Prosecutor's Office drop the case, and their criminal compensation.

   Man reading the newspaper found out that they have been look
[01/07/2011 7:20 pm]
In the police station,polo ralph lauren big pony, the suspect was very calm. Section Yuliang Shi Zeping photo

yesterday, as usual, go early to buy a one.

Shize Ping said, because

often rented his car, Directed at other people's generosity, Shize Ping said he will not ask someone else's line of business. However, according to police investigation, which is a group of professional theft rings, with a professional unlocking tool out of the area, the company, the amount involved in each theft is not small.

the theft ring was uncovered after the police,polo ralph lauren discount, Shi Zeping heard things customers, worried about getting burned, he took his family moved east from the Western Hills Auto Parts City together.

originally wanted to have and theft ring out of the relationship Shize Ping wanted to see their orders,polo ralph lauren, and his wife decided to discuss a simple surrender, on the one hand for leniency,Polo Ralph Lauren Pas Cher, on the one hand that the situation clear,polo ralph lauren femme, let the police re-investigation .

1 pm yesterday, Xiaodong Shi Zeping the initiative to call the police station to surrender after 30 minutes, accompanied by his wife surrendered to the police station. With a fait accompli, Shi Zeping fairly quiet, but his 26-year-old wife, mother of the 5-year-old man had tears Ku Cheng, and Shi Zeping after marriage, the family of a person carrying the burden of all Shize Ping, he did not, how home do?

Currently Shize Ping has XingJu, police said,polo ralph lauren homme, because before I did not Shize Ping to trial, it should be heard, he reflected, the police will investigate further. Liu Xia

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   The couple picked up 5 million in cash in the cold waiting f
[30/06/2011 11:28 am]

Sun Xiaoli Jiao Chunjing and his wife opened a car factory in the lock shop. November 12 evening 7:45 , the golden city of Europe, the key in the area of the households in the house , the request Jiaochun Jing to help unlock. After receiving the call , Jiaochun Jing and his wife off . Jiao Chunjing departure from the lock company , driving down the street agriculture , when his car driving to the Agriculture Street and Anqing Road intersection ,polo ralph lauren femme, are catching red light , Jiao Chunjing waiting , he suddenly found himself in front of a package car . He let his wife get off the package pick it up.

Jiaochun Jing and his wife to the Golden European City to help residents open the door after he received a phone call is over the way a resident for help unlock. So they drove to fly Jiaochun Jing Road.

20:10 or so, Jiao Chunjing to hand over the live treatment , and his wife home, when he thought the package picked up . Sun Xiaoli , after the package to get the house , Jiao Chunjing open the package : This guy , inside money , a total of 5 Da . So much money just who lost it? Sun Xiaoli Jiao Chunjing and his wife discuss the money lost after the owner found must be very anxious, he decided to pick a place to find what package owner .

Jiaochun Jing and his wife attend to dinner, drove to a place where agriculture Avenue picking up packages . He and his wife were out of the car ,polo ralph lauren, around to find the owner . Waiting in the cold for an hour , have not seen the owner . Thus,polo ralph lauren discount, Jiaochun Jing and his wife phoned to the newspaper .

It is understood ,polo ralph lauren homme, and his wife, Sun Xiaoli Jiao Chunjing to unlock a living ,Polo Ralph Lauren Pas Cher, normal life is not too rich. Faced with these money Jiaochun Jing ,polo ralph lauren big pony, said he is not tempted at all , this money has always been someone else , the owner about to lose so much money, must be very anxious, must take the money returned to families.

can not find the owner because of a moment , Jiaochun Jing and his wife decided to pick up the package and the money to the police station. Police station in Anqing , the police gave their recognition of such acts , and asked in detail about Jianqian through, and make the registration.

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