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最新更新在: 20/06/2011 6:10 pm

   Golf clubs Captain America and Europe estimated two winning
[20/06/2011 6:10 pm]

U.S. captain Corey

- Pavel (left), the European team captain Colin Montgomerie (right)

Beijing September 27, Wales Monday, Ryder Cup captain two Ryder Cup is expected to be fierce this year, estimated between the outcome will be decided at a push.

U.S. team arrived in Wales today, ready to be launched at the Celtic Manor's three-day match. U.S. team in 2008 after winning in local Valhalla,Golf equipment, the defending champion for this year. But since 1993, the U.S. team has not won it overseas.

Victory will belong to the team that can win the putter.

European captain Colin Montgomerie agreed. In this case, I think the outcome will see a push on Sunday.

Corey - Pavel's team,Golf clubs, including four ranked among the top five players - Tiger - Woods, Phil Mickelson, Steve Stricker and Jim Furyk. But the European team is considered favorites.

Woods, the world's first performance in the Ryder Cup can only be mediocre, his 25 points in the competition won only 11 points among this year, relying on wild card issued to the captain into the United States. This is the first time since Tiger turned professional game in Wales. We are very pleased that he is to be here.

Currently there is a doubt whether in the end Woods's Ryder Cup in the next 5 games played. But Corey - Pavel refused to reveal his strategy. All players want to show the best of golf, keep the trophy. The idea is not a strange player.

when the U.S. team's charter flight landed at Cardiff, after Corey - Pavel stood beneath the aircraft's passenger elevators will be photographed Ryder Cup aloft. Soon after, six pairs of players wearing a beige jacket stood behind everything he photographed. Montgomery,Golf discount, waiting for the official welcome speech at the time, wearing sunglasses Stricker standing next to Tiger Woods.

greet the arrival of the U.S. team is cloudy, and the weekend forecast for Friday, Cardiff it will rain. Many players in our ranks, whether you believe, all of them race in the rain. I played in bad weather in the Ryder Cup. In fact, you do not really care about the weather, you will focus on how to win you the game.

Corey - Pavel said after the long flight, his players will choose to rest on Monday. Their first phase of training will be scheduled for Tuesday.


   Golf equipment Wuhan 's first
[20/06/2011 6:09 pm]
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   Golf equipment 美国PGA职业资格 与职业球员之间的差别
[20/06/2011 6:07 pm]


     作为一名美国PGA成员的新人,Golf clubs,一般来说会被雇佣为“助理”,这意味着他们会在一个美国PGA高级职业人士的指导下工作,学习运营球会的各种设施。这包括:球车管理、练习场管理、球包室管理、库存管理、赛事组织、商品运送和接收、订单、下场时间控制等。高级职业人士对球会的日常运营负责并且培训及指导来学习的雇员。高级职业人士一般来说会向球会总经理或者球会的拥有者汇报工作,他们负责运营而总经理则对整体设施负责。当其他的PGA职业人士退休或者更换工作的时候,就是其助理人员得到升迁以至达到他们心目中的目标的时候。


      现在我们来看看职业高尔夫球员的生活,这种生活与高尔夫职业资格完全不同。并不是所有职业高尔夫球员都是美国PGA成员,实际上,他们中大部分都不是。任何人年满18岁并且宣布他有意以打球为职业就可以转为职业球员,从此他们将不被允许参加任何“业余”高尔夫赛事。职业和业余高尔夫球员基本区别是业余球员不能为任何金钱打球,而职业球员为赢得奖金而打球,Golf discount。职业高尔夫球员第一目标是练习、打球并在高尔夫赛事中努力达到他们最佳状态,成为自身条件所能做到的最佳球员。他们几乎每天都会练习并下场打球,在旅行和比赛中生活。在美国职业球员可以有很多比赛的选择来积累经验为巡回赛作准备,当他们取得进步后他们会开始参加国际性比赛来做更高层次的移累,Golf equipment。再过几年他们将冲击PGA或者LPGA巡回赛资格。一些球员从专科院校或者综合性大学毕业后直接去Q—School来测试自己能力。当然这并不是所有球员都要走过的道路,有些球员更乐于在普通比赛中积累经验和能力,当认为自己准备好后才去Q-School争取巡回赛资格。打球是职业球员唯一的职业道路,除非他们自己放弃全职打球转而从事行业内的其他项目。




   Golf equipment Understand the law of the master method 3C st
[20/06/2011 6:06 pm]

If you are a business person, is sometimes not prepared to go to attend some important meetings, while the last was able to be successful? If so, then I tell you,Golf discount, this is not not ready. You already have an adequate reserve of knowledge, have done enough These principles with the golf course is very similar on policy applications. There is a plan for your strategy will be particularly useful in the field, which is

1. Understand the course (course)

Recall that, due to hit the ball to the wrong place, it led to an increase in your score on the scorecard? If so, you should be prepared. Find out where the holes before hitting into trouble, serious look at the score card or a sign of the tee, generally will have an overview map of this hole. Or ask your caddy, to find out where is the sector, water hazards, bunkers and other lies,Golf clubs, to avoid targeting to these places. Of course, sometimes these places are still falling into the inevitable, but if you do not properly understand the golf course before hitting the ball into the plight of the possibility of even more.

2. To capacity (capabilities)

First, remember that you are not a professional player, does not need to feed their families by playing. You see on television professional players playing so well, that is the result of long-term training. Although they are so easy to play easy, but not every hit they are accurate. However,Golf equipment, we should learn is that some of the difficulties in dealing with the ball, not 7 percent if they do not grasp is risky. Here are some suggestions: Do not try to reach the green ball through the woods, to the edge of the cut, first save the green is the right way. Do not expect the same as Tiger Woods or Zhang swing to get more distance. Do not try to reduce the score over the dogleg. Do not flatter swing violently hitting the ball position. Do not think the direction away from important than the direction of bias, the greater the distance, the farther away from the target. Perhaps there are more

3. Learn the ball with (clubs)

Rules, we can carry 14 pole next game. However, the driving range or some games do not have these restrictions. So we can try to place the ball in the same shot with different clubs to get the best results. Understand the club that is, find out which clubs to play for a particular ball position. Perhaps a carbon shaft used a 9-iron steel shaft than your 7-iron is more appropriate because of its greater club head angle and a more flexible shaft. Please note the following three Do not lay on the green side of the hole using the kick-off wood. Do not use a fairway bunker at the low numbers of iron or 3-wood. In the fairway or long grass, 5, 7-wood ratio of 1,2,3, or 4-iron is more easy to grasp. If you master these long irons well, can use wood instead. Remember that each pole how far can hit, you have a steady grasp. If you know your club to be able to play the ball more secure, coupled with your understanding of the golf course, cut score would be a very easy thing.


   Golf discount Be careful not to deliberately exaggerate the
[20/06/2011 6:04 pm]

,Golf clubs

Perhaps you have heard , the correct line is actually putting a bit of the arc - in the bar during the target line head slightly biased The inside , and then again after the next shot ball movement to the target line on the inside . It is true . But we must avoid over- exaggerated for the putting of the arc .

process if the head on the lever pulled to the inside too much, the process will lead to the next bar will be pushed outward to cover the head . Ball when the clubface is opened ,Golf discount, the introduction of the short distance to the ball and left .

hand position if pulled from a vertical line down ,Golf equipment, you should make the process of head in the bar as far away from this vertical line (left ) and not close it. The head on the lever can not be too curved trajectory ; Avoid wrist and head Weizhi Gongqu high , this method will be putting more smoothly , more reliable.


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